Devised and Performed byBarbara Campbell
Website Produced by
Kate Richards, Sparke Media
Design by
Glenn Stace, Stacemedia
Built and Hosted by
The House of Laudanum
Webcasting Support by
Multimedia and Educational Technologies in Arts Centre,
The University of Sydney
Jewellery Design by
Johannes Kuhnen and Robyn Backen
Key Reference
Robert Irwin, The Arabian Nights: A Companion, London: Penguin, 1994
Webcast from
Power Institute of Fine Arts studio, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris; Changi Airport, Singapore; Department of Performance Studies, University of Sydney; Sydney College of the Arts artist's residence, Sydney; Artspace artist's residence, Sydney; Arts Law Centre, Sydney; Live Art Development Agency, London; Performance Space, Sydney; hotels and guest houses in Sydney, Salisbury, UK and Northampton, Massachusetts and the homes of: Lionel Bawden and John Tonkin, Sydney; Zina Kaye and mr snow, Sydney; Anne Ferran, Sydney; Helen Ennis and Roger Butler, Canberra; Leigh Campbell, Brisbane; Debra Dawes and Jelle van den Berg, Coledale; Sally Corbett and Paul McNamara, near Dungog; Sonia Leber and David Chesworth, Melbourne; Andrew Renton, London; Adrienne Gaha and Tim Maguire, London; Narelle Jubelin and Marcos Corrales, Madrid; Antonio Jimenez Torrecillas, Granada; Laura Hastings-Smith and Michael Carlin, London; Helen Idle and Joan Leese, London; Nikki and Richard Campbell, Brisbane; Anne Brennan, Canberra; Margaret Morgan and Wesley Phoa, Los Angeles; Ann Lewis, New York; Madeleine Grieve, Paris; Kate McIntosh, Brussels; Kate Latimer and Michael Roberts, Melbourne and Barbara Campbell, Sydney.
Additional thanks to
Department of Performance Studies and Sydney College of the Arts, The University of Sydney; Harriet O'Malley, Australian Embassy in Paris; Laurent Vansteene for allowing me to open an account with France Telecom; Daniel Brine and Lois Keidan, Live Art Development Agency for opening so many doors in London and beyond and for hosting the London gathering in 2007; Ken Bull for demonstrating QuickTime webstreaming in 2004; Brian Doherty and Jane Richens for hosting the Easter 2006 writers camp; Russell Emerson and Matthew Geier for looking after my technical and webstream server needs at the University of Sydney; Anna Gibbs, University of Western Sydney and Clare Grant, University of New South Wales for beta testing the story interface with their respective student groups; Narelle Jubelin for playing the supportive listener Dunyazad to my Scheherazade; Mary Roberts for showing me Istanbul in 2004; Jelle van den Berg for the crash course in watercolours; Sarah Waterson for talking me through the possibilities of the web; Hannah Williams for the French-English translation of the story by Lina Saneh; Gay McAuley for additional Engli-French translations; mr snow, House of Laudanum for being so responsive to technical emergencies whenever they arose; Fiona Winning and everyone at Performance Space at Carriageworks for hosting the symposium on day 1000 and the night 1001 webcast in 2008 and to the talented, generous and dedicated group of 241 story writers from around the world.
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